Start Where You Are, Embrace the Process, It’s your Time to Live!

Testimonials on this website are provided by real clients. However, real names, locations and photographs are not used in order to protect client confidentiality according to federal HIPAA regulations.

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"It can be a scary thing trying to get help, but my counselor took a lot of that anxiety out of the equation, I highly recommend the services for individuals and families. The practice is amazing !”

E.M. | Maple Hts., Ohio | Warm Embrace Client

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“After the death of my child, everything felt overwhelming. My counselor helped me let go of the guilt that I was carrying and helped me heal, I didn’t even have to leave my home, we met weekly on the computer, it was great.” 

T.P. | Euclid, Ohio | Warm Embrace Client

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”The practice is great, definitely a warm environment the services are incredible and the patient experience that is provided is like nothing else”

D.R | Cleveland, Ohio | Warm Embrace Client

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"I get what I need in therapy. I feel vulnerable, but then again I feel stronger after each session."

T.K. | Cleveland, Ohio | Warm Embrace Client

Get started with Warm Embrace Counseling, today.